Whether you’re enrolled in Medicare already or are planning to enroll soon, there are a few mistakes that could result in penalties or cost you money. From misunderstanding your company’s insurance coverage to missing the enrollment window, learn how to spot and avoid the most common mistakes—and even how to correct some you may have already made.
Common mistakes we’ll discuss include:
Missing the enrollment window
Botching the special enrollment window
Misunderstanding your job’s insurance coverage
Ignoring late enrollment penalties
Not fully weighing your Medicare health care options
Delaying adding a medicap pan if you only have original Medicare
Not understanding all of the out-of-pocket costs
Picking a plan that doesn’t have your doctors in the plan network
Picking up prescription drug plan that does not cover your current medications or meets your needs.
Assuming that you can’t afford Medicare
Contact us for more information. Our licensed agent are ready to help you find a medicare plan that fits your needs and budget
Common Medicare mistake to avoid